
Sunday, January 13, 2008

What did your instinct say?

One day sitting in my room alone, having nothing to do I was thinking about the ultimate question. Why I was born, why I was send to this place? No one answered, no voice came from the skies. No written document fell from the skies to tell me that I have vowed something in lieu of coming on this earth. I waited for two more days praying to God to tell me my purpose of being here. But no one answered. So I took this as God answer.
"You fool! do you expect me to break nature's to answer a silly question of yours. Suppose you were to create robots for a definite purpose, what you would have done to tell them their purpose of existence? Is it a wise way to write down books, or make skies speak out the purpose of existence? You would have surely wired in their purpose of existence. So that they always tend to serve their purpose of existence. You would have programmed his purpose of existence into him only.
That's what I have done, I have given you inner instincts of things that I want you to do. Have you ever listened to your heart truly. It always says to love everyone. But sometimes when someone behaves badly with you, your heart tells you to retaliate. This is because I want you to retaliate, to defend yourself against bad persons, and if you are really stronger to defend the weak from the bullies. I have given you the feelings, all the feelings anger, happiness, sympathy, kindness. All these feelings are nothing but guidelines embedded in you to tell you what to do in this world."
"Suppose the two humans I made first were emotionless, feeling less creatures. They would not have united to form the human race. I have given you an urge to do things in a better way. That's why you have invented things. I have given you an urge to be better then your neighbor. I have given you a tendency to be proud of your neighbor when competition is against some distance society. I have given humans an ambition to get known, to get famous, to get powerful."
"But the brain, which I have given you to do things in a better way, sometimes overpowers the mind, my guidelines to "What to do in this world?". I fed into your mind that be better then others, so that you are not idle all the time, so that you have some kind of motivation to work in life, a motivation to do something beyond food, shelter and clothing. But some of you read your heart once and put brain to work afterwards. So as of result of this, you do everything that requires to surpass our neighbor. You hurt and oppress many humans in the process. If you scan you actions in light of your heart than you shall do anything which I don't want you to do. Instructions for every being in this world are different, and have been programmed into them, in their heart, they just need to listen to their heart"