
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Arguments against AI apocalypse

AI apocalypse has been the favourite subject of many science fiction movies so far. However, when respected scientists and entrepreneurs vocalize similar concerns, we should be concerned. Being a student in fields close to "AI", I would like to believe that AI is going to be mostly harmless or at least claim that it depends on the user.

There are various reasons why I believe that robots with human like intelligence not going to be much much superior than the entire mankind and even if they are, why the apocalypse like situation is unlikely.

Inherent Compromises

Human like intelligence, or AI is inherently different from computers like intelligence. Humans learn by experience, i.e. by trial and error which is true for modern AI or machine learning algorithms. Hence, making mistakes is not only our weakness, but also our strength. Any algorithm that is not deterministic is bound make wrong or suboptimal choices at least some of the time.

Another thing to understand about the AI, that is relevant to the argument, is "overfitting". It is often believed that an AI machine can grow infinitely wiser because of the tremendous amount of data we can throw at it. However, the more data will mean that the machine grows wiser but more and more rigid in terms of adaptability. Think of how old people find it difficult to adjust to changing surroundings and find it difficult to learn new things. This is, in my understanding, equivalent to a machine learning term called "overfitting". In a way, I am claiming that experience and adaptability are mutually incompatible and each AI machine designed will have to strike a balance among the two. Making a machine that "understands" everything and is still open to learning new things is as challenging as designing a car that is both most powerful and has best fuel economy.

Evolution is better

Another things that makes me undermine AI is my respect towards evolution. Evolution is like a constant search for a better organism with sole aim of survival. The algorithm has been running constantly for 3.6 billion years now.  I am not saying that we are the optimal point in the search, but AI will have start all over again to make something as spontaneously survivable as human beings with entirely different ingredients.

Peace is better than war

This brings me to the second part of the argument that is even if AI becomes super intelligent than humans, it is not going to take over us by a war. There is evidence to support that world is becoming less and less violent. And I believe that this is not because we have increased sense of morality but because we understand that war is suboptimal for both sides. If we accidentally build an AI machine, that is far more intelligent than us, probably it is going to understand the importance of peace better than us.

Also, I believe that the difference between human like robots and robots assisted humans is going to decrease over time. By the time we will have intelligent robots, we will have implants and assistive devices that will make human decisions far more logical, fast and data driven. This will also make it difficult for the evil AI machine to decide who is a machine and who is a human.

Super intelligent will become Politicians or CEOs

We should ask ourselves, do the super intelligent rule the world as it is now? Yes they do. Most intelligent people in the world realize that morality is for show off, not for practice. Hence they become politicians or CEOs. I would like to speculate that super intelligent AI machines that can lie better than humans will indeed take over the world, but the transition will be too smooth to be noticed. It is more likely that we will be fighting for their "human like" rights.

In the end, I would just add my political advice to a sci-fi article: our best bets against the current intelligent and future super intelligent are in keeping the power over natural resources decentralized.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Why is AAP still a ray of hope?

This mid-March 2014 and in my opinion AAP has done nothing that counts as betrayal of the people's trust and that is why I continue to support AAP.

Various valid points have been raised against AAP and I won't hesitate to admit my reservation against some of their decisions; the most disheartening being relaxation in candidate selection procedure. Also, I agree that Arvind is a liar (Edit: After clarification by Arvind, I think otherwise) and shrewd politician, but I am willing to excuse him for political compulsions.

However, this blog is about addressing concerns of some of my friends about AAP. First of them being about personal wealth of Arvind Kejriwal. Arvind Kejriwal's wealth is more than that of Narendra Modi and is around 1.5 crore according to his election affidavit. But all that is reasonably explained in the affidavit itself. Arvind's wife is earning around 9 lacs annually, he is drawing a salary of 2 lacs annually, he inherited a property worth 37 lacs, he bought a property worth 55 lacs in 1998 for 3.5 lacs. It is arguable, whether a property worth 3.5 lacs can appreciate to 55 lacs (16 fold) in 15 years. Such kind of increase in property rates is not rare in satellite towns of Delhi.

Another question asked by a friend of mine was "Why Arvind has never questioned Sonia Gandhi?" My answer is "I don't know." But I also don't understand what it proves. Arvind has not also question Rajnath Singh probably (I may have missed it, if he has). The point is that not targeting a particular person doesn't mean anything.

Recently Arvind visited Mumbai which caused inconvenience to a lot of people because of his travel by local train and auto which was exaggerated by our unbiased media. A friend of mine asked "How is AAP different?" I apologize to my friend for the inconvenience. But is "inconvenience" caused to the masses the only criteria by which you judge the differences between parties.

How about transparency in funding?

How about supporting RTI for political parties?

How about supporting independent CBI?

How about clarifying stand on gas pricing issue?

How about fielding candidates with pending criminal cases?

These are one of the few reasons why I continue to support AAP. I see AAP as a small party which is likely to provide a corruption free democratic, if not a capitalist India.