
Wednesday, December 13, 2006


3:13 AM 12/8/2006I am very confused these days, I feel as if i have lost my identity my philosophy of life. So i have decided to scribble down all the guidlines on which my life is going to be based.first of all the rule is that don't follow these guidlines. try to use your brain first.then all the guidlines are basically based on two books and my own experience and analysis.books one is the gita and the other is how to make friends and influence people. the former one has never been read by me. I like its idea , which i have got from the rules go somewhat like this 1. keep your body and mind under your control. many people will come with a philosophy (paulo chehlo and puneet singh)that do whatever your mind asks you to do.but keep reminding yourself that gita says that you have your karma to do. and keeping your mind under your control is most inportant. 2. your wishes and wants are secondary to those whom you love.but take care that others interests are not harmed by one wishes.3. have aims, work for those aims days and night, but don't get upset if those results are not achieved, don't waste your time worrying about results.analysing failiures is a different thing, never miss any oppurtunities to analyse reasons for your the recent past you have failed to analyse reasons for your failiures4. if a work can be done as soon as it is assighned ,do it.5. SOCIALIZATION, you should attend daily meetings , attend your guests.6. never promise things. if someone asks for a promise reply: i have almost a rule that I don't promise things, whenever it would be possible and appropriate i would do your wish.
AIMS oF LIFEaccording to rule 3 , we are supposed to have aims in our life,phases of life, years, months, weeks days and hours. there should be a general guidline for those aims to be set. you can change aim of life any time if you wish to do so. if you wish to prepare for cat then you may prepare for that, if u wish for gre then it is gre, if you want gate and mtech then let it be. don't fear what others think. bold decisions have always been taken up by great people.if you love the competition for cat then join it or if you think it to be useless then prepare for gre
4:11 AM 12/8/2006present day stiuationi am almost focussed on research , but i don't wish to cram wordlist for gre, reading books like wordpower made easy are ok, but i can't just keep cramming those worslist. The most important reason for not going for in india is the low stipend and not having an extraordinary advantage. so the requirement comes out to be research work, which necessitates what i don't know. i am struggling to decide the feild in which the research should be carried on. image processing , brain wave analysis or atomic physics. yes neural network is good thing, but with harshit arya, there is some problem. I don't wish to work with harshit. moreover having taken elective of PA, why i am going for project under VK. Then i have my own team for BTP, so starting a project with harshit arya would result into a misconception that i have got into alliance with him, which may force them to make some other team for BTP. i wish to start BTP in this semester only and the project started with harshit will be a binding till march atleast. Robocon is a different thing, if one talks about robocon it is clear that it is bound to end by march no misconception of alliance may creep in.then is these vacations i have more works to do then one can imagine.mailing university of mexicopassport
so what may be our strategy is that i am out of town for three days then i come back, dodge bansali,do my work by being in cc and library. in cc it is about apping. and in library getting knowledge about feilds understanding research papers getting present feild of work and deciding about BTP. so no serious project just getting knowledge about various feilds where work can be done.

avneesh PA and vikas

10:35 AM 12/8/2006today was a glorious day in my life or a sorrowful day. I was in the department to see my marks. PA noted me beforeask for my marks i could even ask for. " Vikas you have not performed very well, we had expected more then that from you. What happened? you even got good marks in quiz, infact its highest 93.I looked at my exam copy for sometime. i was awarded marks as 14.5 in 2questions and 13, 17 and 2.5 in others. I knew that i have left one question unattempted.2.5 marks explained.17 were good enough. But the rest were below expected and they each had a certain reason. I asked for avneesh copy, he smiled and answered that avneesh has got good marks perhaps more than .... no no how it can be more then yours... and the marks were more then mine. "I think you should stop helping avneesh. Let him be independent." " i don't help avneesh , he is independent and he is intelligent.""but tell me what is the reason , you got less marks, your one the questions is completely vanished"" sir , i did not attempt one question because I ran out of time"" Let me tell you one thing, you must improve your writing, its me who knows that this is vikas copy. BUt if there had been some external examination, they don't know who is avneesh and who is vikas.So you hang up at A instead of A+."vow A is a good grade. But PA was cetainly expecting more then that from. This was great compliment for me. But i did not come up to his expectations. this was a reason to grief upon. I don't know But in all the exams i had writing problem . I was wroitng as if i have been forced to write. i was not writing fluently . i was thinking for a long time and then writing things very slowly. however marks do not matter, its the compliments that i have earned. but when he compares me with avneesh , all these compliments loose their meaning as they look to be a misconception. I want to say these words PA with due respect sir , you have very wrong prejudice for me, i am not as intelligent as you think, nor avneesh is so lame.First of all avneesh has cGPA of 8.8 while i have only 8.028. the next thing, its only yours subject in which i usually score more then avneesh. In all other subjects without any exception, avneesh is hero and i am zero. CAn you please stop saying that avneesh needs help from vikas?But we should not be frank with, reason. don't tell them any thing till they ask. you just ask things from proffessors.