
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Missed Miss's call

I was on leave yesterday, and a beautiful colleague of mine called me. Damn it! I missed her call. Perhaps I should inquire before taking a leave.
"Hey! I hope you are not gonna call me tomorrow because I'm planning to take a leave."

Just kidding. I can call her on Monday anyway.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rise of wikileaks and information age

What does the rise of wikileaks signify? Does is signify an age where there is no personal privacy? With the rise of micro-cameras and microphones, with the rise of sting operations, with the rise of Google, have you arrived in an age where you have no personal privacy.

But what does this mean? From an optimistic point of view, I see this as an age where honesty will be valued again, transparency will be obvious. I see this as an age where a killing in Baghdad moves hearts in New York. I see this as an age where planning a war will become impossible without the enemy getting to know about it. I see this age as वसुधैव कुटुम्भकम

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Give your best to whatever you do

Perhaps this is not what I want others to read. This blog is accumulation of negative thoughts that I don't want to disclose in public and more importantly I don't want any sympathetic comments.

This world is not place of genius or perhaps it is (which means I am wrong). This world is a place of mediocrity; by it's definition mediocrity should be the be the most prevalent adjective in the world. Best is one and worst is one, rest all are mediocre's. In a population of 6 billion people, to win over mediocrity we need 1.5 billion skills/sports each having different *Best* and the *Worst*.

I am trying to prove this because I am a mediocre. And I don't want to condemn myself on being a mediocre. Yes, I do want to improve but in case I don't succeed, perhaps it's OK. May be I am not doing what I wanted to do, but I can give my best to whatever I do.

I hope this clears my mind and let me give my best to whatever I do.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My life my morals

Morals of a persons are specific to himself. My morals are negative in nature; that is they define things not to do. Furthermore, perhaps my morals are the minimalist subset of what a normal person's might be. Here's a key principle that can define most of my morals.

  1. Never do a thing to a person that you won't like to be done to yourself. In case you are expecting an unfavorable action from the person, it's permissible to take a similar action that avoids the unfavorable circumstance for you. The unfavorable circumstance created for the other person should be less or equally severe to the unfavorable circumstance that you expect to be created by the person. The order of severity for the other person is same as yours. 
  2. Never do a thing that, if extrapolated, makes sustainable life impossible on the planet. By extrapolation I mean that if every person on earth starts doing the same thing. 

The first principle enforces the morals of honesty, equality, healthy competition etc. but allows the possibility of self defence. The second principle enforces global responsibility like fighting against global warming etc. Interestingly, second principle classifies voluntary celibacy as immoral.